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GJEESE challenge

GJEESE challenge is a competition organized by GJEESE to promote young people and highlight their abilities.

This year we are focusing the competition on the most active people on social networks, in order to encourage them in their production work. Their jobs are to post a photo or video.  The photo or video that has more likes, more comments, more sharing, its owner will be rewarded with a prize package below. Among the participants, three winners of the competition will be selected.

1-       A Samsung phone and $150 (USD)

2-       $150 (USD)

3-       $50 (USD)

The photos and/or videos will be published on the GJEESE Facebook page, and on the GJEESE website.

Contest entry fees: $5 (USD) if you are in America, €5 if you are in Europe, particularly 300gds for those in Haiti, and 300peso for those in the Dominican Republic.

NB: A certificate of participation will be issued to all participants.

To apply, please click here

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Registration start and end date

Registrations began on May 01, 2022, and will end on June 15, 2022.

After this date the photos of the participants will be visible on the website and on the GJEESE Facebook page.

Date of publication and end

The date of the first publication of the photos is scheduled for June 16, 2022, from this date, all photos and / or videos will be publicly visible.


August 15, 2022 will be the end date of the contest, no action (Like, subscriber, share, comment) will be taken into account after this date.


August 26, 2022  will be the date  of the publication of the results. 

Means of payment of participation fees

You have three payment options for your participation fees, you can pay by credit card, by my cash, or by PayPal.

For those who are in Haiti, by clicking on the my cash logo, you will see the my cash number on which you can safely pay the fees, otherwise you can use your credit card or your PayPal account to make the payment. .



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